Previously, Indian television actor Manmeet Grewal had committed suicide due to the rising financial crisis in the family. They had not been working due to the ongoing Coronavirus related lockdown across the country. The duo reportedly committed suicide due to the rising financial issues in their family. The bodies of the two actors have been sent to Stanley Hospital for post-mortem. According to various media reports, the neighbours of the actors sensed a foul smell and called up the police out of suspicion. Television actors and siblings Sreedhar and Jaya Kalyani were found by the police at their apartment in Chennai. Sreedhar and Jaya Kalyani found dead in Chennai The back-to-back suicide headlines coming from the film and television industry have made people analyse and study mental health as a concept. The siblings allegedly committed suicide due to financial issues due to loss of work amidst the Coronavirus related lockdown. Popular Indian television actors Sreedhar and Jaya Kalyani were found dead at their apartment in Chennai.